Home Forums Breakaway Audio Enhancer Transferring Existing Settings to Breakaway One

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    Looking at videos of Breakaway One, all the screens have my head spinning. So for my basic FM mode settings in BAE, how do I apply those in Breakaway One and what upgrades does Breakaway One offer to someone like me who is currently using basic KernelStreaming to WaveOut? Is there 24-bit support? Is there lower jitter due to a more advanced algorithm? Needing to hear a couple reasons to switch before paying more for something I don’t need.


    Hi. So, BAE is for standard home users who don’t need to stream audio or otherwise broadcast on air. BA1 is more for hobbyists and professionals who want more out of a processor. Yes, it supports 24-bit soundcards, ASIO support (therefore less potential jitter), more sliders and deeper configuration, is based on better processing algorithms so the presets sound better, can stream out via Shoutcast/Icecast, can be controlled remotely, and more I’m forgetting.

    BAE2 is in development and doesn’t yet have a public release date. BA1 is not so much an upgrade to BAE, it’s an upgrade to Breakaway Live. It might not be something you need, but it’s free to trial indefinitely with minimal nagging. So go ahead and play around with it and drop some thoughts in the BAE2 wishlist thread if you have some others haven’t noted.


    Is there a FM mode setting with all the functions from BAE on Breakaway One? Would it make sense to ditch BAE for BA1 if all I use are the FM mode settings? I ask because I would like to have the lower jitter if possible using the better algorithms along with the 24-bit support.
    Thanks for taking time to read. Also does BA1 support WaveOut?

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by bullshoy55.

    BAE is the “Little Brother: of BA1. It was written in 32 bit architechture when Windows XP was king, so is currently in re-development to port it to 64 bit and with more options. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a release date.

    Breakaway One shares a lot of code with the very successful Omnia range of broadcast controllers. It also has many, many features which are broadcast-specific, so it really is a giant sledge hammer to crack a tiny nut if you are using it for home music listening. However, it has the benefit of much more recent code, 64 bit processing, a range of available presets etc, so, if you can afford at least an HD core, streaming module if that’s what you do and I would suggest the Manaagement Package for convenience in controlling it, then go right ahead an get the Big Brother version.

    There are many, many options you may never need. For instance, you could have a copy of BA1 at the studio end controlling output from the studios, and then send it to another copy of BA1 at the transmitter site for final broadcast, complete with alternate fail-over options if a link, or links goes down. Noe of this is available in BAE.


    Is BA1 worth getting just for the features I mentioned above, and a detailed explanation on how to apply those settings (24-bit, WaveOut, FM mode settings) would be appreciated since there is a ton of features in the program.


    “Worth getting” is in the ear of the beholder (and their needs). I use BAE for my day-to-day laptop requirements to level YouTube and other clips from the internet, but I use BA1 HD for my main Music Room.
    I need to qualify that by saying that I own several radio stations and engineer for several others, so BA1 is my “go to” software for commercial use.


    Worth getting solely meaning are the features I am mentioning available in BA1? No one here has answered that yet.


    So, I can’t currently test, but I don’t recall what FM Mode is in BAE (or if it even exists). It’s not a preset, is it? I will be able to answer your question more clearly once I learn what this is.

    Just to reiterate, you can download and freely test/set up BA1 indefinitely. No trial, just the occasional nag. I actually ran BA1 for like a year in this mode before I was able to invest in it. I highly recommend test-driving it before buying, or even deciding if it’s worth it.

    One bonus to BA1 over BAE is the 32bit VST2 host allowing the Thimeo Declipper to be used as a plugin on the input. Highly recommend looking into that too.


    Thanks for the advice. Does BA1 have a WAVE output format?


    As said in previous posts, go on a voage of discovery. Install BA1 and try all its options. Once you have it running exactly like you need, you then print out the configuration and a licence will be generated for just those options.

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