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  • #3138

    Hey, I and my friends have been using breakaway for a long time now, (you're welcome for the free advertising 😉 ) but it's gotten to the stage where I have to request something

    Firstly, before I would ever buy the DJ version of Breakaway, 4-deck support is a must! 2 decks is just NOT enough for my or my friends virtual DJing practices, and is the only downside and prevention of us using this branch of the software.

    Secondly, we concur on another arguement: we want breakaway as a VST (as do a few people in the forums I see).
    For a while now, I've been recording the output from breakaway into Audacity after making a track, as a (though limited due to acting only on the Master channel) pretty powerful version of mastering. It's usable, but not the perfect solution. I know, it's kind of silly, but when other mastering suites cost in the excess of hundreds sometimes, and takes ages to get to grips with, breakaway does what I want and when I want it.
    The only problem is it doesn't do it HOW I want it to all the time, where my synths can overpower my drums at certain points/notes causing it to just sound awful as a composition, it'll boost the bass of things I don't want boosted, etc. I believe that if it had VST support, and I could load it on every track individually/by groups, this would solve the problem, as the DAW (and my ingenuity) will handle the rest.
    the main reason for the above is a.) simplicity and speed of workflow, b.) the fact that no matter what I do with other things, breakaway just plain sounds sweet while producing, and c.) attempting to replicate the modded sound of my synth from slapping on zenith and turning the range power and speed up high and adjusting the bass correctly, by using multiband dynamics, compressors etc., just never comes to fruition, and recording them to make a sample is irksome as I love automation.

    I, and I'm sure a lot of others, would appreciate it if you'd consider advancing on these two points

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