Home Forums BreakawayOne STEREO ENHANCER

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    Hello, how are you? Is it recommended to use the stereo enhancer for MPX output to the transmitter? Yes, it helps, what would be the recommended stereo amount? Thank you so much


    I’m personally not a fan of stereo enhancer, but it depends on your material. A lot of the earlier pop music (Beatles, Rolling Stones, Roy Orbison) used very polarised stereo, with all the vocals in one channel and all the instruments in the other. Listen to Roy Orbison’s “I’m Falling” and, if you turn the balance fader all to one channel, you won’t her him singing at all!
    In cases like this, less is more.

    Similarly, if listening to your station on a car stereo, the driver is already left or right of centre, so boosting the already loud side may make it sound very lop-sided.


    Thank you very much Milky for your contribution. I’ll leave it disabled. I ended up using the “reference settings” preset for mpx output to the transmitter, with which I obtained a very natural sound. Do you have any specific advice to add to this preset and make it sound better than what is configured (always for stereo output to the transmitter) not for streaming?


    I like (and use) Reference Settings as well, but with a little more “Power” and “Bass Boost” but again, it depends on the material.


    And could you tell me what values ​​I should raise to test this preset improvement? I have the deep bass at 55 and the final clip drive at +1.50 db

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