Home Forums BreakawayOne Some Really Good Reasons To Purchase The Breakaway One Management Package

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  • #3420

    Apart from being able to run BAOne as a service (even lower latency and RAM usage), there is also the capability to control the program from anywhere in the world.
    The management package includes (among many other things) a HTTP server for automation, where everything that is visible in the normal GUI is available, each with its own URL on the server. So, changing presets is as easy as setting up task scheduler (in windows, or anywhere else) to request the right URL to change the preset at the right time. For example:…/proc/presetname=French%20Kiss

    The IP is only an example of course, but try going to http://your-baone-ip:8282/ yourself

    You can use any management system you like — all BaOne needs is a simple HTTP request. No authentication, access is by IP whitelist.

    It's documented on the http interface itself, the syntax is really, really simple. Refer to the screenshots.



    does baremote have it's own http server as well or can it only be configured from it's interface?


    Yes! Just about everything you can do directly through the BARemote interface screen can be done through the built in HTTP server. The first image above shows the opening screen, and all the syntax options are available. You just open port 8282 and you are in!


    OK, we now have a working example of this great feature.

    We run a Community Radio Station, with many of the presenters trained only to operate the desk, but none of the playout interfaces. Most presenters play digital music through our software (OtsAVTV), but some still bring selections from their own record collections. This means, at the top of their program, we need to switch the soundcard from digital in (through Ots), to analogue in (via turntable), and in BA1, we also need to 1) change preset and 2) switch in a VST plugin which adjusts the RIAA curve for vinyl. To expect presenters to go into BA Remote and make the correct changes, and then do the same for the soundcard interface is way outside their levels of expertise.

    The Solution:-
    We have developed a simple overlay interface which sits on top of OtsAVTV and provides them with touchscreen friendly (and vision challenged friendly) transport buttons for Play, Pause, Next, Previous, using a simple programming language called "Auto Hotkey (AHK)" from https://autohotkey.com/download/. This has been working very nicely for quite some time, and even those who can operate the "normal" buttons in Ots say they prefer the larger buttons.

    We've now added another button to the group to interface with BA1 and automatically turn on the appropriate options. This VST toggle sends the commands to BA1 to select/deselect the VST plugin, plus change to a more vinyl sympathetic preset.

    Looking forward:-
    In the future, we will interface this directly with the turntable start/stop switch, so that the presenter doesn't even have to remember to set it up at the start of their program. The interface has been developed, using an arduino micro computer to sense the switch state and send the appropriate commands to BA1. Because it involves tampering with the equipment and is therefore a safety issue, we are waiting for the authorities to approve the changes before we can implement them, but an offline test rig is working very well.

    The next two posts are images of the ON state and OFF state, as when the VST button is pressed.


    VST (and vinyl preset) ON.





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