Home Forums Breakaway Audio Enhancer Some games won’t use breakaway

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    Hello. The problem is that some games (for example Asda Story) are using my audio card instead of BAE for sound music output even though BAE is set as default device for that.

    Since it’s recomended to set all possible volume sliders in the system to max and control volume using BAE (Correct me if I’m wrong) you can imagine the result…..

    Current workaround is to set sound music volume in such games almost to 0 (if the game even has those control).

    I don’t really understand how such games go around default sound output device setting, but is it possible to force them to use BAE?


    Well, I’m no expert on the matter, but I have experienced this type of issue before. I’ve never experienced in games (usually just in audio-related software), but I imagine there should be an "audio settings" function somewhere in the game that allows you to select your audio device. You may have to disable all of the other audio output devices as well (re: through the "playback devices" option in your taskbar.

    Most software should work with BA, as it emulates hardware. Any trouble recognizing it might be attributed to another device enabled alongside it.



    It does seem like those games use the sound card’s driver directly, instead of using the default driver.

    Is there anywhere to change what sound card to use, inside the game?



    Most games won’t allow to change sound output device……from within the game anyway, and game’s configuration files aren’t always in plain sight and or in plain text. For that matter most games just use default device, which in my case is BAE.


    Yes, games should use the default device.. In fact, if they don’t, I’d consider that serious bug in the game. Multiple audio devices are not at all uncommon in modern systems. For example, on-board audio, extra audio card, and then a usb headset, and you’ve got three audio devices! If a game was to just choose one at random, that wouldn’t work very well.


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