Home Forums BreakawayOne Set audio stream level output.

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  • #16528

    Hello all,

    I have a question, how can i set my audio output level on my internet stream??
    The level what i want is -6dB.
    My version is 3.19.43.

    Best regards,


    Hi Jeff, thank you for reaching out. I’m not a “streamer”, so I waited in the hope that someone who has streams running would chime in with an answer. I also forwarded your query on, but haven’t yet received a response.
    I’ll do some independent research on my test system and get back to you. Meanwhile, I (and Jeff) would appreciate any advice.


    I don’t think there’s an output gain/volume adjustment. When I’ve asked Jesse and Leif about it in the past, they swore that it is already set perfectly and there’s no user-facing adjustment for that. That has been many years since we’ve discussed this though, so I can’t be sure.


    Thankyou, Timmywa. I had a feeling that I had read that dialogue, and tried various searches to turn up the old subject, but couldn’t find the right search words. I had a feeling that Leif said he would include a control in a later release.


    There appears to be a -12dB Stream Attenuation setting on the trial pass-through streaming core I use for hearing my PC when I’m around the house. It’s located in Core > Misc > I/O > Output (misc/stream_output_attenuation=12) when enabled. I bet if you could use the webserver to force this to 6, it would be exactly what you need. This is simply an interface limitation, I’m guessing.

    Sadly, I have no experience in how to do this.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by MrKlorox.

    Thankyou MrKlorox. I have searched all of the parameters listed when you type http://{BA1 computer IP}:8282 and I can’t find the parameter that you mention. Ctrl + F search for “misc/stream_output” yields nothing either.

    If indeed that parameter exists, but is just not in the list for some reason, it is possible to modify any of the parameters using the cURL command, available in Win10 and downloadable for earlier OS. For instance, to enable VST, send this command in a batch program.

    where “BA1BOX” would be the name of the PC on which Breakaway1 is running, and “hd1” would be the name of the HD core.

    and to reverse it,


    Following that logic, the command to adjust the stream level to 6 would be


    I came up with that location by right-clicking the Stream Attenuation checkbox when enabled and copying the path. 0 is no attenuation, and 12 is the value when enabled. I have a feeling the last link is the correct variation, once the right domain is plugged in. Thanks.


    Hello Guys,

    Thank you for your feedback all!

    Now I have something working 🙂

    I have created 2 extra HD cores with the HD core1 first as processing and the 2nd core input of HD core1, the 2nd core is on by-pass and then I can control the stream audio level.

    Thanks everyone for your responses!

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by JeffMackay.

    Interesting Milky!
    I’m going to try this setting. Thanks!


    Great that you got something happening! Perhaps a Passthrough core would work as well and be cheaper.

    No audio processing, but all other routing features are included.
    Can be upgraded with Streaming Encoders and Livewire+/AES67 Support, making it ideal for feeding a remote transmitter site through IP.


    You can attenuate the streaming level if you use custom instead of main in the streaming encoder.
    You’ll need to work out the command line to work with your selected encoding parameters.
    When you select custom, there is an output gain slider available.


    Thankyou, Yorkie98. I don’t stream, so my experience is limited in that area. I very much appreciate your input.

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