I have tried setting up streaming titles in SAM by doing the below
I used the HTML output in SAM Broadcaster. I created a file containing only the following text:
..and saved it as C:Program FilesSpacialAudioSAMBCsamHTMweb_playing_naked.html
Then, I set SAM to Generate HTML output, using the file above as a source file, and outputting to:
C:Program FilesSpacialAudioSAMBCsamHTMwebsonginfo.txt
Make sure Auto-generate on song change is checked.
Can you advise in a bit more detail how you go about creating the file with the text $song.combine$ ? Sorry for being dim, I cant get it to work…
Also does anyone have any recommendation settings for the crossfade and gap killer in Sam to compliment the excellent Breakaway and get good sounding cross fade results, I am struggling. Ots seemed far superior in this respect.
Thanks in advance