Home Forums Breakaway Audio Enhancer QUESTION ABOUT OUTPUT LEVELS

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    As a 20+ year radio veteran, and a man on a lifelong search for the perfect Winamp DSP plugin, I was thrilled to find Breakaway. The "Radio Magic" preset does a great job. I was also looking for a way to process Skype audio, and now I can do that also. I was an early believer (and buyer) of Volume Logic, although Breakaway sounds cleaner to me.

    As a user of the ancient Gates Sta-level to the newest Orban stuff, I understand the principles involved in audio processing. Here is my question: Is there a way to back off on the output levels? I’m not talking about the output of the sound card, but the output of the Breakaway. I would rather leave the other parameters alone (including the input level) and back down the output slightly.



    Hi Jim!

    That is in fact precisely what the volume control in Breakaway does.

    It attenuates the signal using a high quality hf-shaped dithering algorithm, without modifying any sound card parameters.

    So, to accomplish what you’re asking for, just turn down the volume in Breakaway. 🙂



    man, Gates Sta-Level user in the house… step aside people… VIP comin through. 😉 lol, seriously though, that’s some old and revolutionary at the time hardware. 🙂 1956 wasn’t it? With the Level Devil in 1959?

    Anyways… glad to have some people around who not only know… but have experienced some real history. 😀



    OK…I can live with that. Again, thanks for a really nice piece of software. My chain of Winamp DSP plugins is down to 2, I think. I’ll fork over the 29.95 soon.


    You can’t forget the CBS Volumax and Audimax. If I had a dollar for every time I got into an argument with a station engineer who felt the audio should be as "pure" as possible, I’d be rich by now. We used to put a little reverb on the mike, and speeded (sped?) up the turntables.


    The Sta-Level lives on! You can buy a "retro" version of it today for a cool $2500 8)


    [quote author=”jimwms”]You can’t forget the CBS Volumax and Audimax.[/quote]

    and the Conax, and 100 other great pieces of gear. It’s really quite staggering how much innovation has happened in such a short time from the days of Tesla bringing electricity to the world. Not even 100 years ago.

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