Home Forums Breakaway Professional Products – [discontinued] Product Names — Suggestions Welcome

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    Man, we’ve gotta do something about this naming confusion.

    Breakaway FM is the best for FM *and* the Web, even though there will be a processor called Breakaway Web??

    I don’t think this is gonna fly 😉.

    How about we rename Breakaway FM to Breakaway Broadcast Processor?

    This should reflect that it really is suitable for ALL broadcast mediums. What do you guys think?

    Also, what should we call what we’ve been referring to alternately as "Breakaway Web" and "Breakaway Pro"?

    Baweb/bapro will be usable for:

    DJ’s, Webcasters, Hi-fi Music aficionados (phase linearity!) AND as low-latency studio monitoring for Breakaway Broadcast Processor. It will have the same presets as BBP — it just won’t have the clipper back-end.

    What should we call it?

    Suggestions welcome!



    Hi leif,

    I like so much the name "Breakaway Broadcast Processor",but I don’t understand
    which differences are between "Breakaway Web" and "Breakaway Pro"? Is the same "basic" version that I’ve purchased this morning, or are two different softwares?
    Another little (?) question: What Hardware/CPU is neccessary to work fine with BBP (ex FM) and Baweb/bapro (in real time, for headphone monitoring), simultaneously? Dual/Quad Core? In the same machine I should intall an radio software automation too. For you is possible? Now, with my "old" CPU (AMD Athlon 3200 XP) the FM version of your great software don’t work well (it slows down all the tasking).

    Bye and thanks for all. 🙂

    P.S. I have a Web-Radio


    Hello Leif!
    Sounds like a fantastic idea! Nice name for a nice product! 😀

    /Johnny Lundholm
    Radio88/Yesterday FM


    I like the sounds of:
    BreakAway Broadcaster (Maximum loudness for FM or Web)
    BreakAway Live (Low latencey for DJing or Web)
    BreakAway Personal (Perfect audio for personal listening)


    Breakaway Live!

    I like it!! Thanks, J! We might just go with that one 🙂.



    Seeing as it can be used for three things, FM, Web, and AM, I thought of Breakaway Tricaster… although that word’s already being used, so I don’t know if you can use it too, or if it sounds good.


    I can think of three more things – DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), HD radio, and DAB. Breakaway Hexcaster 🙂.

    Hexcaster, sounds like it could be useful to throw an evil spell on someone you don’t like 😉.



    I guess you’re going with Breakaway Broadcast Processor. I just wanted to say I’d leave off the last word. Extra bit of mouthful that starts to be harder to remember than just saying "Breakaway Broadcast".


    I agree with Lane, Breakaway Broadcast sounds right. From a marketing perspective the shorter the name the better.

    Breakaway Broadcast
    Breakaway DJ / Breakaway Live
    Breakaway HE (home edition)


    Thank you everyone for your comments!

    You’re right — Breakaway Broadcast Processor is a long name.. But, it also describes exactly what it is, and that is also important for a new product. This is also why Breakaway Personal (or Home Edition) isn’t a good name until you already know what it is, and the reason why we had to go with Breakaway Audio Enhancer.

    I thought about Breakaway DJ before, but it implies that it’s doing more than it is, such as allowing you to mix etc.. Although I do have a version which might be appropriate for that name. It’s a Breakaway ASIO Driver (no, that’s not a typo — it’s a DRIVER), which allows you to hook up your DJ software (say, Traktor) to it, and it will process three stereo pairs separately, and send them along to a 5.1 Kernel Streaming device (i.e. onboard audio or standard consumer sound card) with low enough latency to be usable. It’s essentially like ASIO4ALL with Breakaway built in, except of course I wrote it from scratch, it’s not based on ASIO4ALL.

    The good thing is that the last word in Breakaway Broadcast Processor CAN be left off at will. In fact I have, whenever there wasn’t room for it, such as in menus on the new web site I’m in the middle of developing, and in the filenames etc.. But the logo says Breakaway Broadcast Processor. It can also be shortened to BBP of course 🙂.

    By the way — the first BBP beta is available!

    Also a big new convenience feature: Sliders are now saved per preset! Makes it much easier to compare presets and keep track of things.

    Same old URL – http://bredband.leif.cx/browse/bafm – but the new official site is only days away!



    I prefer Breakaway Broadcaster (rather than Broadcast). More of a (non audio 😆) ring to it. Breakaway Live is an excellent name too.

    Leif, OtsAv is ASIO driver compatible, so I would be very interested in seeing Breakaway ASIO. That is bound to be cool 8)


    Ditto on the BreakAway ASIO. I primarily use BreakAway for DJ purposes and it does a fabulous job, but I would love multiple inputs/outputs for mixing purposes.

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