Home Forums MpxTool – [discontinued] MpxTool Suggestions

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  • #728

    Hi Leif,

    Great Software!

    If I may, a couple of suggestions for the next vers of MpxTool;

    > RDS (I see this is already on your drawing board)
    > Allow multiple instances, useful for leaving it running watching two or more stations live at the same time.
    > Allow resizing of main window, including full screen.
    > L-R meter.
    > allow SpecAn to scale to finer amplitude resolution (eg 10db, 20db)
    > Provide finer resolution metering (or option to zoom?) for modulation (95 to 105%) ,de-mod,de-emph & ITU Loudness meters (-10db to +10db) showing clear 1db legend markers. Examples: http://www.inovon.com/win.php?s=531fr1200.jpg http://www.orban.com/meter/ The Orban meter you can easily read below half a db resolution.
    > In stats, allow audio level to show db instead of %.
    > In stats, provide Demod & ITU Loudness Maximum Hold function similar to Mod Maximum Hold Function.

    Also, is it normal for the peak flasher to light slightly prematurely? Eg, when setting peak flasher to 100%, it occasionally lights at between 99% & 100% modulation even though mod peak hold stats show modulation never exceeded 99.7%. If it’s normal, what’s the reason?

    Thankyou again, Aaron


    [quote author=”rebel”] Allow multiple instances, useful for leaving it running watching two or more stations live at the same time.[/quote]

    This actually already exists 🙂. Edit the shortcut and add "-multi" to the command line, like this:

    The other features are all good ideas, but I don’t know that I’ll be spending much more time on MpxTool — there’s so few people using it and I’ve sold only a handful of copies total, I’m not sure I can justify spending any more time on it. I guess I overestimated the number of people who would be interested. It would be nice as a hardware product with built in tuner though, so there’s no calibration necessary.



    [quote author=”Leif”]It would be nice as a hardware product with built in tuner though, so there’s no calibration necessary[/quote]
    Nice? NICE??? That would be f***ing fantastic! :mrgreen:

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