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    Hi there,

    As there is no complete manual by this time (as posted before), I will start posting questions about some functions i don't know about (not processing stuff).

    Starting with "Fifo Length", what is it used for? Does changing it make any difference in the program stability? 


    Audio processing typically uses buffers or "blocks" to scoop up data and feed it through the program. This avoids hundreds of hard drive or input stream accesses, or, if the hard drive or stream is busy or compromised by other demands, it avoids drop outs. The same thing happens on the output side, but the down side is the enemy of all audio processing – latency.
    This means that it might take several seconds to fill up the buffers, and the same time to empty them, creating a gap between the real time audio and the processed audio. This can be most noticeable when processing music, because the lip sync or things like hitting a drum snare does not line up with the audio. In radio, the announcer's spoken word if fed through a processor, comes back to him delayed by milliseconds, making it very hard to monitor your own voice.

    Generally, leave the fifo settings at the defaults, but, if you can reduce them and not get dropouts or glitches, this may improve latency. Conversely, if, at the default, there are still glitches, increasing the size may improve, but at the expense of higher latency.


    Will rising the Fifo sliders, improve the jitter % ?

    My announcers have been listening the raw material, i believe that's the best way to monitor one's performance.

    My STL has at least 10secs of latency anyway, not even mentioning internet streaming. So as an rising comes at no cost at all.


    No, I don't believe that is the case. Your announcers should be listening to the source (straight out of the mixing desk, or wherever your mic processing output is). In the good old days, before all the processing that occurs these days, we used to listen "off air", meaning that we heard what the listeners heard. However, that only works if the STL is not far away and therefore the difference between the input signal and the returned (broadcast) signal is only milliseconds, which our brain cannot detect. This was an advantage because we could detect instantly if the broadcast chain went down (as in a transmitter or STL failure).

    Nowadays, there are many delays between the studio and, in the case of (say) a terrestrial FM broadcast (which might be almost straight out of the studio console) but also streamed through (say) Icecast, listening off the Internet would confuse even the most seasoned broadcaster.


    [quote author=AntonisV link=topic=5751.msg20030#msg20030 date=1556279919]Will rising the Fifo sliders, improve the jitter % ?[/quote]

    An important thing to know about the "Jitter" measurement…
    That is measuring the variance in FIFO buffer block timing.

    Since there are (by default) 4x FIFO blocks, for the total buffer, you can (in many cases) see that go above 100% and still have perfectly fine audio with zero glitches, and zero SAMPLE jitter at the input/output being caused by software/windows.

    Hardware/clock jitter is a whole other subject hehe.

    By the way… Whatever soundcard you have on ASIO is using a buffer length that the sample rate can't divide into with a whole number. That means that there will always be more/less samples than can fit into one buffer/block, and in order to prevent actual glitches it will have to double the effective latency *somewhere*, weather if that's internally in the soundcard, or externally in the software you're using with it (BreakawayOne in this case)… that's there.

    96000 / 2304 = 41.6 …

    If you can change that 2304 buffer size in the soundcard's ASIO settings/control panel so that 96kHz or whatever other sample rate are multiple/divisor of a whole number, that can decrease your latency a lot also. Especially with a buffer as large as 2304 (which is pretty huge for ASIO). For future reference, if you do anything where latency does matter. If it doesn't matter, then the more safety the better of course. I'm on the same page there my friend.

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