Home Forums BreakawayOne Delay

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    I have another question and I have a little bit of a delay. I am using Breakaway for the fm and when I talk i have plug my headphone in the mixer because there is a delay. I am using a quad core pc with the M audio soundcard. Everything is running wel. When I am using the older version of breakaway I don't have a delay only with the new one version.

    Is there anything I could do ore check to get this a it should be?

    Thank you guys.

    Kind regards Willem


    I'm only familiar with HD cores and non-professional hardware for personal listening/gaming, but I'll try to help. The first thing that comes to mind is buffer size. Have you tried lowering it? I assume you're using ASIO as well.

    There's also an extra low latency mode that I use, but it probably wouldn't be good for things on the air. It's in Core Output> Miscellaneous> I/O> Processor> Latency Mode.


    MrKlorox is correct – buffers make a lot of difference. You need to change them in the M-audio control panel, and then use the test mode in BA1 to find the lowest latency. Sometimes, you can manually select a better option, but usually BA1 gets it right. If the buffer is too small, you will get "crackles" or artefacts whereas, if the buffers are large, it takes too long to fill/empty them.

    Of course, because BA1 adds some processing to the audio, there may be nothing you can do except listen from the mixer, but I have been able to get the audio from music videos to accurately lip-sync through Breakaway 1.

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