Home Forums BreakawayOne Couple Questions: WASAPI and any updates in the works?

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    Hey Leif and co… I had a couple questions…

    1: Have there been any thoughts of adding WASAPI as an audio path option? I've done a little looking and it seems like it's main features are a bit-perfect path and you can set that path to be exclusive and be locked out. I think Kernel Streaming has the latter capability as well, but not sure about the former.

    2: The last update was back in June of 2018. Anything new brewing? Any updates or new features, presets, or anything on the near horizon?

    Thanks and Happy New Year!


    WASAPI and WaveRT should be able to be supported. There's almost no reason to do WASAPI if you are using Kernel Streaming, since it's just emulating KS anyways, and you end up with the same latencies on average. (on plenty of systems i've seen worse latency performance from WASAPI in exclusive mode, better with KS).

    WaveRT is way different though. That actually gives access to the soundcard's HARDWARE buffer memory, to the audio software that's using it, so that the audio data can be written directly into the hardware, without any need for ANY buffering in the audio API, other than what the soundcard itself normally uses for its own hardware's purposes. That's how it can sometimes even beat ASIO performance. 🙂

    We shall see 🙂 For now, a soundcard with ASIO support is the way to go, if you need low latency for studio paths.


    Thanks Jesse,

    What about the "bit-perfect" aspect of WASAPI? Is that also found in KS or WaveRT?


    Kernel Streaming is 1:1 yes.

    WaveRT writes sample data directly into the soundcard's hardware, so at that point it's really up to the soundcard to get it right lol.

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