Home Forums Breakaway Audio Enhancer Breakaway One Audio Streaming Issue

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  • #16516


    I’ve set up Breakaway One to stream only & all I can hear on the stream is an echoey and sort of distorted mess, I’ve got breakaway pipeline installed and I’m playing out of a playout system called Playout ONE. I’ve Selected Kernel Streaming & Pipeline 1 in the input section, disabled the output as I’m only streaming and selected Streaming in the Core Feat…all the streaming options seem fine, mp3, 128kbps etc…But No matter what I do (including mucking around with output settings in the config app and computer sound devices etc) I can’t seem to get anything but echo & hiss with a tiny bit of the music echoing in the background. The weirdest bit is a few months ago Breakway was working fine. I’ve only just got the Tower out of storage and set it up again to this.

    Any help would be so appreciated, Thanks Guys


    Can you please provide some screenshots of your inputs and output etc? It’s hard to debug from your description.



    I’ve got the screenshots I just hope I’ve uploaded them correctly for you

    Screenshots, Breakaway One Settings June 6

    Thanks Heaps

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