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  • #429

    0.90.81 saves the preset settings properly again. … .90.81.exe



    Found a bug:

    * Click Settings
    * Click I/O Config, Warning windows pops up
    * Close Settings window
    * Click either Yes or No in warning window, Breakaway crashes

    Also, the new version of Pipeline (4.9.5) that recently replaced the slightly older version, does that fix the stuttering issue myself and a couple of others were having (had to resort to VAC 3.12, which would be fine for about two months, and then start playing up)? I’m giving it a go, and it seems alright so far, but I’m not 100% confident just yet.

    Edit: The audio isn’t stuttering, but randomly cut out, just like it did with 3.12. If I stop all audio applications (basically everything) and then start them again, it’s goes back to normal. Don’t know what’s happening, and it’s hard to diagnose when it’s live on air, so I’m back to 3.12… hopefully it lasts a couple of months again. oh man..


    The new pipeline worked a LOT better on my quad core desktop (which i use for development at home in thailand), but no better at all on my quad core laptop (which i use for developent when i’m elsewhere).

    I’m not sure what to do about it.. I’m REALLY getting tired of the problems with it, it needs to *just work* already, and I’m not currently seeing any development from the author (VAC). I’ll start bugging him again — I don’t have a whole lot of options on this particular thing. It’s the one part of the breakaway package i didn’t write myself and thus have no control over — of course it has to screw up. 🙁.



    It runs about two months after a reboot on v3.12 before anything can (and usually does) happen. I just wish I knew exactly why. I’d say VAC is the most likely candidate, or maybe the OS becomes unstable for some other reason. Oh well. At least that other minor bug can be fixed 🙂


    Man, that sucks. What’s your configuration? Is there any way to make it work while avoiding VAC / Pipeline altogether?


    quote :

    Is there any way to make it work while avoiding VAC / Pipeline altogether?

    I can’t see how, but you never know.

    I don’t wanna go into too much detail because there’s some personal coding involved, but it’s:

    Audio source/player [Virtual Cable 2] —> Breakaway Live (see attached pic) —> Encoder [Virtual Cable 1]

    Each program is seperate, but linked together by VAC.

    P.S. It’s back to normal now. Been running over an hour with v3.12 and all is good (for the next two months or so anyway 😛)


    hmmm did it again. The only thing I’ve changed recently is Breakaway, so I’ve gone back to 0.90.77. I can’t say for sure what that problem is, but if it still does it with this version, then I’m guessing it’s something else.

    Damn. And I was really enjoying that stereo enhancer. 🙂


    So I hope I didnt miss anything about this, but Im trying out this version of live on our streamer, everything worked great but it still played the breakaway demo audio file over our stream even though its registered and does not say trial.. Am i missing anything?? I went back to .77 and it works just fine



    Chris, you’re absolutely right!

    It was a bug — in the new code for loading/saving settings, actually. A size mismatch caused the internal Trial Mode flag to be overwritten by something completely different, and that was enough for the audio engine to start playing the commercial even though the program was registered!

    My apologies. These sort of things can happen so easily, and this is precisely why I always tell people to test off-air for a while before letting it out where it can do damage. Software engineering is a complicated science, and looking at the amount of bugs in windows should make it clear that throwing more manpower at the problem does not actually solve the problem. 🙂

    Here’s version 0.90.82 — this bug is fixed (and hopefully no others appeared in its place): … .90.82.exe



    Ahhh! did it again. So I guess it’s not Breakaway.

    What happens is, the audio just dies, even halfway through a track. Everything still functions as normal though. The only way to get the audio back though is to close everything that uses audio in some form (the VAC control panel tells you if anything’s in use), and then reopen them. Or to reboot.

    I think it’s time for a reformat, unless there’s something I can try? I’m guessing VAC is the culprit. Anyone know an alternative to VAC? I think I’ve seen one somewhere but can’t remember the name. Or maybe Leif can write his own version? 😛


    Man, I’d love to have a Pipeline I had written myself.. But, it seems to be a non-trivial task. If Eugene (the virtual audio cable author), who has been working on VAC for probably 10 years, still can’t get it right, well.. I’m not sure I could either, at least not in reasonable time. I have made some stable workarounds, but I don’t have any experience at all writing drivers.

    I’ll keep bugging him and see what happens. It’s really getting old, though — it needs to just work.



    Indeed. Whilst google searching to see what else is around, I read a bit of info about Kernel streaming and how it can be quite complicated. You’d that that creating a driver that does nothing in a sense would be easy hehe… guess not.

    If I were to try the Breakaway Pipeline again, latency/delay aside, what would be the most stable settings in its Control panel?

    EDIT: I found another one! No idea how stable it is, but worth a try:

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