Home Forums Breakaway Professional Products – [discontinued] Breakaway (FM) Processor for Mac?

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    I noticed on your site you are working on a processor for Mac iTunes. Are there any current plans to offer the Breakaway FM Processor for the Mac.? I know we could all get into post storms about Mac VS PC, I use both, and Iā€™m not here for that. šŸ˜‰ I really like the Breakaway FM Processor and would love to use it at my DJ gigs. I have the Intel dual core Mac Mini because it so compact. I know, but I really don’t want to load Windows on it, and Mac does allow you to route your audio. So is a processor of the Breakaway FM caliper for the Mac Mini a possible reality? Thanks.



    Having talked about this much with Leif, I’ll answer this one… Porting over Breakaway core itself is hard enough as is, as experienced with the decent sized delay in getting Breakaway System ported over to OSX.

    The FM back-end would be an order of magnitudes (many many times over) harder to port to PowerPC, mainly because of the EXTREME amount of optimization that had to be done for it to work as well as it does under x86 in the first place.

    But from the perspective of cost optimization, an x86 platform running Windows (preferably Server 2003) is the way to go. You can build a 1U box capable of hosting a complete Breakaway package (2 Broadcasts, and 1 Live, plus encoders) for well under a thousand bucks for the hardware… depending on the audio converters you want to use. Obviously the price would go above $1000 if you wanted Apogee on every channel. šŸ˜›


    I take it from that I should stop waiting around for a Mac version, as it won’t be happening.


    Lane, the mac version for iTunes will happen at some point — but it’s out of my hands. The guy who is porting it had some serious health trouble, but will hopefully get back to work on it. Not much more I can do…

    RRRprod, porting Breakaway FM doesn’t make sense — it’s really designed to run as a standalone processor in its own machine, so if you’re buying a machine to run it on, buy one that it does run on šŸ˜‰. Rackmount servers work well, and if you want something portable for DJ use, try a Shuttle XPC mini system — they work great, look great, and they’re tiny. The official recommended operating system for a standalone dedicated machine is Windows 2000, but it will of course run fine in XP and 2003 as well. I would not recommend Vista on a standalone machine, for performance and reliability reasons.



    Sorry to hear about the health concerns. I’m not sure what to say there except good luck to the person that needs it.

    I’ve probably said this before too, but I won’t be able to use an itunes plugin. I don’t play my music with it. I’m hoping that us Mac folks get one that works like a soundcard the same way it works for the windows folks.

    Also, if I’m setting up a rack machine to run a software processor, I’m just not going put windows on it. BSD or nix, sure. I have a whole bunch of reasons for that I won’t bother getting into here. Looks I’m going to be using an inferior sounding solution. Ah well.


    If it’s stability, then don’t bother arguing it with me. I personally kept over 200 XP SP1 machines up for almost 5 years without rebooting, playing & streaming audio for the #1 net-caster online (for 2.5 years running according to Arbitron and Ando)


    Nope. Not arguing anything. My preferences aren’t up for debate. If breakaway is released in a form that integrates with my ways, great. If not, c’est la vie. šŸ™‚ I guess all I can do is wait and see what the future brings.

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