Home Forums BreakawayOne ASIO BEHRINGER U-PHORIA UMC202

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  • #17567

    hello how are you? Using ASIO card from the Behringer UMC202HD external sound card, can you get 0 delay with MPX output to the transmitter?


    I doubt that it is EVER possible to get 0 delay when the audio has to be processed through ASIO plus Breakaway, plus any overheads introduced in the MPX process. If your STL distance is significant (like 5 kilometres), there will be a noticable delay if you listen off-desk compared to off-air.


    Thank you very much Milky for the information. Greetings


    I didn’t really provide much of an answer. As an electronics engineer, I used to live with the small delays that analogue equipment imposed on the broadcast queue from desk > STL transmitter > STL receiver > final transmitter. We used to listen back from the desk via headphones connected to an AM/FM receiver, just to prove that we were ACTUALLY on-air (I have a funny story about this, if you are interested).

    Now that the audio from the source (like the presenter’s mic) goes through microphone processors, Orbans, Optimods, Breakaway or some sort of after-procsesing, the “what you hear in the studio) is bound to be delayed.

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