Home Forums BreakawayOne 3.19.43 crashing on Win 11 22H2

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    I’ve been using the latest version(s) of Breakaway One for several years on Win 10 and Win 11; until recently. With the update to 22H2, without other changes applied, Breakaway One crashes after about 90 seconds, reloads, plays out for another 80-100 seconds, crashes and repeats indefinitely. I’ve tried tweaking buffers and changing the audio ins and outs and it’s the same – even if no audio is passing through. The client crashes and then recovers repeatedly. Anyone else seeing this?


    This isn’t happening here.

    Edition Windows 10 Pro
    Version 21H2
    Installed on ‎2020-‎09-‎10
    OS build 19044.2130
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0

    I remember about a year ago there was an update that messed up virtual soundcards like Breakaway Pipeline. But this is the only update I know of that affected BA1.

    Are you using the management package by chance? Mine never recovers if I manually crash it.


    MrKlorox – I have BA1 installed as a service and that might explain the restarts. I see you have 21H2. I had no problems with 21H2. It’s 22H2 (the latest and *greatest*) that’s causing all the fuss. The app sounds great like it always did then after 90 seconds, dies, and relaunches leaving a ghost of itself in the tray. I discovered it when I logged in last week and had about 80 green icons all piled up in my tray.


    @lumper5x. If this really is a problem on the “latest and greatest” version, it may take some time to track down. It may be a driver specific to your particular environment, or it may be widespread.

    Either way, the short time solution would be to roll back the latest and greatest to a stable platform, and wait until we can re-produce the error, and then work on a fix.


    My bad. I could have sworn I updated to 22H2 earlier in the week… I’ll look deeper on another system.


    Updated to 22H2 and it seems to be behaving normally after running all night. I can’t replicate this.

    Edition Windows 10 Pro
    Version 22H2
    Installed on ‎2020-‎09-‎10
    OS build 19045.2130
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0


    I’ve decided to remedy this by moving to newer hardware using Windows 10 Pro 22H2 (which works faultlessly for me). As for the problem machine, I’ve re-installed BA1 on the Win 11 machine and the issue remains: crashing and restarting a new instance every ~90 seconds. I’m beginning to suspect a faulty audio driver or a previously unknown hardware issue.


    Interesting. Are you able to get into the configurator and change devices?

    You might be able to check the logs here and see if there are any clues: %localappdata%\BreakawayOne\log (C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\BreakawayOne\log)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by MrKlorox.
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