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    The problem is, the way that BAE is currently written, you must run the TEST option to firm up the buffer and sample rate options. The inputs and outputs are only scanned in the configuration process and only “live” options at that time are listed.

    Breakaway Audio Enhancer is slated for a complete re-write as it was first coded when Windows XP was the OS of choice, so these types of suggestions will be considered for version 2.


    I think I have found a bug.

    If Pipeline SR is set to 48000/48000, then the Wizard Step 2 (buffer size test) fails:
    “Error opening Breakaway Pipeline for test tone output!”
    This does not happen with the default setting 44100/48000 or 44100/44100.


    Thank you for reporting. I will investigate further.
    I usually leave the pipeline at the default 44100/48000, as this takes in any CDs or DVDs that I might play.


    It might be nice to be able to use BAE without having to use the Pipeline. I don’t have much experience with BreakawayOne but in the demo version I was able to configure it to use VB-Audio’s HiFi Cable for looping audio. Just a suggestion.


    Would it be possible to lower the lowest frequency for the “Bass Shape” which currently allows only as low as about 45-50Hz. I would like this to be able the go down as low as 30Hz to be able to control very low frequencies better.


    Since I was recently reminded that BreakawayOne is built for music specifically, and remembered that BAE (which is for general PC media usage) was getting a new version, I have to drop some of my requests from that thread here.

    First is multiband AGC for speech and videos. I realize this is not good for music as it will defeat much of the dynamics before reaching the compressors. However for speech (podcasts, videos, chat) it appears to be golden (depending on how it’s configured of course). But I don’t exactly make TV loudness processors like our dear Leif has. I’m sure he has more wisdom in this topic and reasoning for why things are done the way they are. How well could a multiband AGC work for a mostly speech medium?

    I also realize people are going to be listening to music and that is the focus of Leif’s work. So for this aspect, instead of constantly opening the app and switching presets, perhaps a speech detector to automatically switch from one preset to another? Or, and I just thought of this, some easily available custom buttons we can set to use presets (like Video [multiband agc preset] Music [regular agc preset] and misc [unset by default]). Perhaps have them in the taskbar as a widget, or from a right-click menu if in the systray?

    If not the ability to tweak presets with more detail than the original sliders, then perhaps allow us to mess with the amx files manually? Why: presets are often “too loud” and the volume doesn’t allow more headroom like Clipper drive/outmix in BA1.

    Lots of sub-bass flexibility if no VST host. And if yes VST host, please let us place it before or after the processing (before the clippers maybe?).

    Thanks, I’ll surely think of more. Please let me know if I said anything ridiculous or plain wrong.


    Never anything ridiculous in your comments, MrK 😉

    When Leif does the re-write, I guess that he will use the Web Server interface from Breakaway One as a basis for changing any of the parameters (including presets). If that is the case, it is quite simple to run batch files to launch a change to any setting. You could even become familiar with something like Auto Hot Key(AHK) where you can designs and build a simple cluster of buttons to switch on/off any options.
    I have exactly that on my home version of BA1. I use it to toggle “Bypass” – Off for everything else, but ON for playing vinyl and also enable/disable VST, but just about any other function can be controlled using a simple cURL command.

    I will plant the seed with Leif to use a similar approach.


    Riiight, AHK! I forget about using this for processing. I use it for other things but never figured out the cURL commands for BA1. Doesn’t this require the management package or something? Thanks for the idea though:

    I would like to add a request for at least 6 customizable keyboard commands for some basic functions like the aforementioned custom preset 1-2-3, loudness up-down, and bypass toggle. I feel like requiring the user to go outside of the software for this is asking too much for general media consumers. BA1, on the other hand, is more professionally focused, so it’s not as out of the question to use AHK there.


    This is the cURL code to turn VST on. All others work similarly. For a list of all the parameters, type {name of BA1 PC}colon 8282 into your browser to bring up the web interface. Note that there are TWO dashes before “silent” and “output”.

    REM Set VST option to ON
    curl –silent –output nul http://{name of BA1 PC}:8282/parameter/hd1/misc/vst_enable=1

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Milky.

    Please make a plugin for the RadioBOSS playout system or Winamp. Thank you.


    Not sure if this is something that could added to the whish list or is something Windows related. I use a 4K TV as monitor with a large sized mouse cursor, it would be nice if the pop-up descriptions could be moved further to the side or above the cursor, so they would not get blocked by the cursor itself. It drives me nuts, but I guess it’s a Windows thing that I have not found a way around it.

    I took a snapshot, but could not attached it to the post….

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by JustifiedRush.

    I realize this isn’t a solution to the software like a real fix would be, but a temporary workaround might be to use the transparent/inverted mouse cursor from Windows. I also hate having text hidden behind a cursor, and since switching to the inverted one, I can read through it. Highly recommended for anybody who likes a big cursor.

    I would bet the new UI for BAE2 will have scalable fonts or DPI settings to make the 4K experience feel more natural.


    one thing that would make my life easier is a better handling of the sliders, like fixed or (optionally) wider increments.
    Dragging by mouse allows in fact 0.5% steps – at least graphically. Super to have that kind of precision, but it is very fiddly to get back to default.
    To circumvent I use the mouse wheel instead. At least as long I do not accidently click on the bar…
    Speaking of bars, it would make more sense to have the scale of Bass Shape in Hertz instead of +/- 50, don’t you think?

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by WilleHelm.

    Thanks for the idea! I was using a big red cursor and just switched to inverted. It takes a little to get used to it, but it works as a workaround as you mentioned.



    Along with my previous suggestion for more layout options and theme color options for the eye candy, hopefully both left & right channels could be displayed at once for the original (source) and BA processed output.

    Sometimes I just open and resize the main window just for the sake of watching the limiters, spectrum analyzer and waveforms “dance” along with the music while doing their job. Still use and old Winamp version because of the huge visual repertoire it had.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by JustifiedRush.
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