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    After further inspection, it appears that even the Breakaway Pipeline Removal Tool doesn’t work properly on Windows 10 20H2 32 bits (which is not surprising when you think about it), it says that it is uninstalled but in fact it isn’t. So when you try to install the new version it says that it needs to uninstall the previous version first… And when you use the regular “Uninstall Breakaway Pipeline” to effectively uninstall it, then the new installer tells there was an error while installing the driver.


    Thankyou Mwyann for your feedback. As I pointed out, this is a BETA version, and I will ensure that Leif gets these comments so that they can be addressed.


    Well, after further testing, I solved both of the problems I was having in my first post at once, that was: bad latency and didn’t work with Voicemeeter.

    The answer resides on this page: https://vac.muzychenko.net/en/manual/advanced.htm#ChooseKsProtocol

    As you can see, since version 4.50, VAC implements PortCls port/miniport interfaces differently. You now have the choice between three modern interfaces: WaveCyclic, WavePci and WaveRT. In my case, in Auto, it was WaveRT that was selected. And this choice doesn’t work with Voicemeeter, and it doesn’t have a good latency.

    I had to switch both “Capture port” and “Render port” for my cables to WavePci (the best latency), and it worked fine! I can use 128 blocks again, no problem. If you use Breakaway Audio Enhancer though, you have to leave the “Render port” as “Auto” or “WaveRT”, as BAE only recognizes its driver through this implementation. Other than that, I’m finally happy with my new Breakaway Pipeline driver. Still doesn’t want to install on Win10 32 bits though 🙂


    Great sleuth work, Mwyann! I passed on your previous comments, and will alert Leif to your new findings. I’m guessing that Leif sends parameters to the VAC interface, and may have to tweak those a little to optimise performance.

    I am intrested in your comments on latency, where you quote a value of “30-40% latency” as acceptable. Technically, the jitter value represents discarded frames, or “retries” and it should be as low as possible in theory. The BAE wizard simply asks the installer to increase or decrease buffers based on whether “glitches” can be heard. However, if you run the “Test” option after installation, it shows the jitter value and you can fine tune the number and size of buffers to reduce the jitter value.
    Now, I get it that small buffers means less latency, but, to reduce the jitter value, you may have to increase the buffer size. The trade off is that, with very small buffers, you may have so many discarded frames that it actually takes longer to process a buffer full, with retries.

    Out of interest, I achieve 11% jitter both in and out with buffer size which is a multiple of the sample rate.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Milky.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Milky.

    Thanks for your reply, @Milky. Personally, my rule of thumb regarding jitter since Breakaway Live and still now with BA1/BAE, is to be less than 60%. This allows me to get the lowest latency and no sound defects. In fact, with a buffer size of 128 I was getting 80% of jitter, which did work but was a bit high for me. I now set it to 160, and I’ll continue checking if it still sounds OK. I know I should try to have the lowest possible jitter, but as long as the sound doesn’t suffer from it of course, I tend to prefer the lowest latency over “performance” (I have plenty of CPU time to spare).

    BTW I’m using Voicemeeter to check latency: I route the input channel from Voicemeeter to both Breakaway and the output sound card, and I use a click sound to measure the actual latency (by ear or using my phone).


    Just in case, the new Breakaway Audio Enhancer version 1.42.00 is now officially released 🙂



    Thank you, Yann. I received email notification from John on Sunday, and it slipped my mind to post this.


    Any news regarding an updated version of Breakaway Pipeline which supports Windows 10 32 bits, and/or BaOne ?

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