Home Forums Breakaway Audio Enhancer Getting BAE to work with Reaper DAW?

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    Thanks for the detailed answers!
    So, i guess BA1 will be the answer because its native support for VST plugins.
    Mike said it won’t matter if the whole audio sum would go through the plugins, since he anyway will enable/disable the plugins as he likes.
    That way we wouldn’t need Reaper at all (as it served only as a crutch for the VSTs) and the audio from OTS and any other sources could go directly into BA1 where the final processing and optimizing can happen. Sounds good for me so far.
    I guess, we seriously should give this a try.


    Cool, ok Erik whenever you’re ready, I will install the trial version BA1 and we can try.


    To update guys, Erik did the experimenting with BA1 today, took some doing but he got it working. Only issues we have to sort out now are it shows the plugins needed are 32-bit so I will need to try to find those if my preferred fx are available in 32-bit. Also there is no way in the fx’s interfaces to bypass the fx so I have to hope I will be able to find my preferred fx’s with a bypass feature.

    Next, issue will be how to have the audio from any source on my pc come through BA1. This is where we’re at but the audio coming through BA1 sounds great.


    There is a specific reason why Leif uses 32 bit VSTs. This is because they run in their own thread, and, if they crash, it doesn’t take BA1 with it. Stability is super important in unmanned radio environments. I believe that Mr Klorox mentioned the name of the 32 bit VST you need in an earlier post.

    You can enable/disable VST in BA1, either by pressing the “button” or sending the web interface a cURL command in a batch file.

    If you point all of your sources to the same VAC, they will all work with the one core. Alternatively, you would need separate cores for each source.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Milky.

    You can use Reaper as your expanded functionality VST host if you use the ReaStream plugin to send breakaway’s audio to Reaper, apply FX, then send it back to breakaway with another instance of that reastream plugin. This will allow you to use ANY version of a vst plugin and disable them individually. I wish Breakaway allowed you to bypass/disable individual VST plugins instead of all 5 at once.


    Disregard my last post. I can’t seem to get them to work properly yet, but I’ve not given up on ReaStream.


    You can enable/disable VST in BA1, either by pressing the “button” or sending the web interface a cURL command in a batch file.

    But there seems to be no way to enable/disable the VSTs separately, or will this work somehow?
    Do the five VST slots work as a typical effects chain? I guess they do, but i don’t actually know it.


    I’m not sure what a typical effects chain would look like. But it’s got a buffer size of 1ms to 500ms, chain delay of up to 1000ms, a pre/post level shift as low as -24 db, and an option to enable DPI awareness. This is on the Main host overview; not per-plugin. I’m looking into ways to use the more extensive plugin host of Reaper using their ReaStream plugin, but I’m not having luck getting audio back into BA1.

    EDIT: Oh, there’s a delay plugin that has a bypass which works in BA1 from the Reaper folks called ReaDelay and is available outside of Reaper if you get the ReaPlugs plugins pack. Looking for a decent reverb plugin that does the job too.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by MrKlorox.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by MrKlorox.

    With our experiment we are trying to work only with BA1 and OTSAV so trying to avoid having to use any other utilities in between those two.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by mikehende.

    Okay, scratching ReaStream. I’m still recommending Reaper plugins to use for delay and reverb. The ReaPlugs plugin pack contains ReaDelay, which i read can be set up to be reverb-like as well as working as a bypassable effect. I’m looking into if the ReaVerb reverb plugin that comes with Reaper, but not the ReaPlugs pack, works with BA1. If so, there will be the two plugins effects that are free and individually disableable.


    Oh wait, to clarify, are you saying we can use Reaper’s plugins in ba1?


    That’s correct. The ReaPlugs plugin pack has VSTs that work in BA1’s host. However I tried pulling the ReaVerb plugin from the 32-bit Reaper installer, and it wouldn’t work in BA1. But the delay one certainly does.


    Can I trouble you to try this one please?


    specifically the MReverb and Mdelay and tell me if both works fine and if both interfaces show the bypass button on your end? I am seeing the bypass in Reaper on my Mac and I am going to try on the windows pc now.


    Yep, those two work fine and so do the bypasses. Make sure you use the right version, is all.


    I am having problems getting the files to open after pasting the path into the VST Slots.

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