Are you asking how to make BreakawayOne startup with Windows in fullscreen display only mode?
Try looking for C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\BaRemote\BaRemote.txt to see what command line shortcut options you can use. I know for certain you'll need the Management Package at least to make it start with Windows.
Basically what you want to do is install the service so BreakawayOne runs in the background at startup. Then you would want to launch BaRemote as a startup item with the command line options you need. These seem relevant. I don't have the management package, so I just use the wheel_adjust=1 setting in my breakaway app shortcut.
- host=xx hostname (or ip)
- password=**** password (not necessary for localhost connections)
- port=xx port number (optional, defaults to 8200 if omitted)
- retry retry connection indefinitely without ever displaying retry/cancel dialog. will also reconnect after connection lost.
- retry=x retry for x seconds then display retry/cancel dialog. if connection lost, will display retry/cancel dialog.
- displays_only Starts up in "Displays Only" mode. Clicking on any display takes you back to normal mode.
- wheel_adjust=x Use mouse wheel to adjust sliders (rather than change page). x=gear ratio, for example wheel_adjust=1
This thread should give you a basic idea of how to add command line options to a shortcut: