Home Forums BreakawayOne Audio Stutters Windows Server 2016

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    So I'm using Breakaway One (trial) to test out the new Breakaway. It sounds good!

    But I'm using it on a Window Server so I'm using the Breakaway Pipeline solution to send audio to Breakaway (from mAirlist).

    But sometimes (read: every 10 seconds) the audio stutters. It's very anoying.

    Does anyone have a solution to fix this? Or does Breakaway One also have a Livelink DSP?

    My Breakaway Pipeline settings:



    IN the config app there's settings for buffer size and such. There is an option to automatically determine the best settings. Run that and it should give you the recommended sizes. I also notice you have your format range settings set to 48000, I would change that to 44100 on both of those items. If you're sending audio outside of breakaway, say, to a sound card or another device, you'll need to have 2 cables enabled. Also, run through all the windows sound settings and make sure sample and bit rates all match up.


    If it's a little glitch every 10 seconds, then it's some other software or driver/hardware that is running on the computer that is causing it.

    You should check out this software, and see what information you learn from it. 🙂

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