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    I am trying to get the output (for live streaming) of the HD processor to –2 dB
    But i cant find where to change this setting
    I have tried the final limiter drive and at HD processor, that doesnt do the trick, and under Misc –> Output level, but output level stays at 0 dB.
    Is it still possible to change the output level? Or is it fixed at 0 dB?


    I understand that it's hard-coded based on the codec chosen and bitrate, etc. So, in theory it should be at the best level for the codec you have set.


    Ok, so it is impossible to change the output level? or can it be done, editing an .ini file or something?
    It would be a shame when this is not possible, then i need a standalone streaming tool where this can be done.


    As far as I'm aware, it's not adjustable anywhere. And also, it has been perfect for my uses.

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