Home Forums BreakawayOne Tips for migrate sound processing from BBP to BBO!

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    First of all, congratulations to Leif for the incredible work done. Now, I would pass to the new Breakaway, keeping the sound like what I have with the "old" BBP (for streaming). These are my main settings:

    Preset: TWENTE (OB)
    Pre-Emphasis: 15μs
    Transition Slope: 0.10
    Phase Scambler & Noise Reduction = ON

    Plugins: ImpactClunk / AutoBalance / Bass-EFX

    You can give me, please, some tips to keep the mood sound of my radio?

    Thank you all!


    You should be able to find most of those settings are available in BreakawayOne. Clunk and Bass-EFX is included, but not AutoBalance. TWENTE is not in the initial package, but there are several which should give a similar result.


    Impact clunk and bassfx are availible but integrated into the software rather then being plugins. AutoBalance isn't availible unfortunately or at least i can't find it. They're is a phase rotator plugin but from using it it seems to be different to phase scrambler (i would suggest maybe leaving it off) . Pre-emphasis is only availible in the fm core, 50 and 75 only. The hd core (which is what you would use for streaming) doesn't have pre-emphasis or at least it's probably set to 15.


    Auto balance is available! In the BreakawayOne "APP" under I/O > Auto Bal. Once in Auto Bal you can adjust the range and Integration Time. 


    Thank you all for the advice. From which preset starting? Oldies? Big Iron or what?
    tmalvesti: the autobalance I can not find it. Could you post a snapshot?
    Thanks for everything.


    I really like the "LEIFF" preset myself.


    Autobalance wasn't in the first public release but I added it shortly thereafter. If you can't find it, make sure you have the latest version. 🙂

    For streaming, use an HD core.

    I see now that I forgot to create a Twente preset for BaOne. I'll try to get to it at some point, sorry about that.


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