Home Forums BreakawayOne VST Host Question

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    For VST hosting inside BaO, is there an improvement that could be made to save the state and settings of that VST? For example, the VST has a preset that is saved to a file, but after BaO restarts or the computer restarts, I have to go into the VST’s interface and select that preset manually, rather than it restoring it automatically. I don’t have a lot of knowledge of this kind of thing so I may not be articulating things correctly. But I hope my question makes sense. I know in other VST hosts, that host can save and restore the state of that plugin when it’s restarted. BaO does not do that from what I can see. Thanks!


    I’m not sure if this is an answer, but sometimes I have found that VSTs work better if placed in the Breakaway exe folder. However, the actual VST may be storing its configuration in its own “hard coded” folder, so BA1 can’t “see” the config. If you can manually override any file locations in the install process, it might resolve the issue.


    Interesting thoughts, thanks!


    I half recall some issues reading files when some apps aren’t run as admin. I know some plugins keep their stuff in the user profile or app data folders; and those can’t be seen unless run with the proper permissions, such as one gets when running as admin.

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