Home Forums BreakawayOne Configuring the Breakaway One FM audio processor

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    I am setting up a new Breakaway One audio processor and using a Behringer UMC 404HD sound module. I have selected Full FM because I also want a low latency studio monitor output.
    Using the sound module if I select input 1 + 2 as my audio input and listen on output 1 + 2, I appear to get a mix of both low level input plus processor output which gives an echo effect. So, if I configure the Full FM processor output to be output 3 + 4 that appears to give me a clean FM processed output.
    How do I configure the Breakaway One application to give me a clean low latency output? Can anyone advise me?


    I will try to set up a simulation on my test rig and get back to you with options. If anyone else has already done this, feel free to chime in.


    Ah, I’m thankful for Ba1! I’ve returned to it after a few years away – I had a hardware streamer as an STL (for a LPFM station) for several years… but it just failed this past week.
    After a quick refresher I was able to get Ba1 in use both as an STL (Encoder1), and also as a stream encoder (encoder 2) for our streaming audio.
    I’ve experienced something similar to polopudding above – my STL/Encoder1 is “echo-y” even though processing is “bypassed”. Same settings for Encoder 2 to our audio streaming is fine.

    I think I only have a license for one FM core so I don’t have an option to direct outputs to more than one Output 1-2? Is that on the “studio” side because I don’t see that option on the “transmitter” side…

    My setup is complicated by the fact that the STL (now Ba1) is feeding another audio processor, but I’m trying to adjust the Ba1 variables first before addressing that processor.

    BJ Mora


    If there’s an echo, it sounds like one of the inputs is being re-directed back through, slightly out of phase. Do you have ASIO as well as non-ASIO running, or something like that?


    Thank you Milky, it was simpler than that (I think I only have one core/ set of outputs so nothing to re-direct)?

    I actually had this same issue in 2020, and I couldn’t solve it then… But it turns out that I finally figured out how to turn off the MPX Output – and the ‘echo-y’ ness went away.
    I also detected a high pitched ring, not super loud but I think the ‘extra’ MPX signal was also the cause there.

    So problems solved… for now (smile).


    Thanks for the feedback. It may help someone else with similar issues.


    Hi Milky. I have tried with just ASIO and also ASIO not configured. Then I tried with using just analogue In and Out, but the issue is the same. It’s almost as if the Behringer UMC 4040 is forcing the Input pair in a mix with the BA1 Processed output when routing it to output 1+2.
    I’ve succumbed to have input 1+2 as my input and 3+4 as my Full FM Output. Although I have paid for a low latency license as well I’m just going to resign to the fact that unless I change my Behringer for the 8 channel version I’m not going to be able to have a clean low latency output.


    I don’t suppose it’s a Windows sound setup issue? I recall a certain brand of soundcard had a “what you hear” option which, when turned on in Control Panel, produced an output from whatever sound scource was selected. If you are using the Pipeline, you don’t need this.


    I know what you mean but no, “Listen to this device” is not selected. However, I think it may be that this Behringer UMC 4040 “hard routes” the Input for 1 + 2 to the output 1 + 2, so I changed the input to 3 + 4. I now have a low level output to 1 + 2 and a processed output to 3 + 4. This will have to do for the moment.

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