Home Forums BreakawayOne Now Is Your Chance To Add To The Breakaway One Wish/Bug List

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    I have been asked to compile a list of wishes and bug reports to forward on to the developers.

    No promises on a time-line yet, but Leif is gathering details with a view to releasing a new version in the future.

    Please just reply to this thread with Breakaway One only wishes, with as much detail as possible and I will make it my business to distil your responses down to a workable list and forward it on.


    Few things: Output level control on streaming encoders. Currently, they appear to be on 0dB. Modern codecs need a little headroom, like -2.5dB. I think there’s adjustability in the custom encoders, but you lose functionality like metadata.

    Also allowing sending 48000 Hz on streaming encoders (whether it’s auto-sensing, or there’s a setting offered)

    These both may be able to be resolved by more tightly integrating the streaming encoding section with the main program, as far as setting up the I/O with bit rates, bit depth, and sample rate.

    Modernize the entire framework for OS compatibility as well as hardware, such as new CPUs and other such elements.

    Update the BA Pipeline to match up with current version of VAC, which has a lot of tweaks and improvements for the current windows audio system


    Please sell us the multiband dynamics detector and expander component of Undo so we can pair it with Hans’s Declipper plugin to get proper Undo at home.

    The VST host container cannot be properly resized by dragging the container borders… However, I can force a size using keyboard commands and third-party apps.

    Can we get an update to the VST host to allow 64-bit VST2 plugins (or VST3’s perhaps) rather than the basic 32-bit VST2s only?

    Can we get output metering that shows LUFS-I, LUFS-S, LUFS-M as well as dynamics information (LRA, etc)?

    I’m sure I’ll think of more to add when they come to me.


    timmywa and MrKlorox. Noted and forwarded.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Milky.

    Oh, Leif, this should go without saying, but please include all the updates to your Omnia line that fit within BA1. I remember reading about a bass clipper update a while back, for example.

    Could we also get a sub-harmonics synthesizer? I know Omnia has Solar Plexus, but I don’t know whose it is (Telos’s or Mr. Gould’s, etc) and whether it could be implemented. I realize there are VSTs that do what I want, but they don’t sound right when applied to the input where the plugins go… they fit much better after Multibands, as I’m sure you know much better than I.


    Ditto on the streaming encoder output level control. Would be nice to have that without needing to use the Custom encoder type.

    The rest of what I have is pretty in-the-weeds, but I imagine wouldn’t be difficult to implement – just hardware-specific things that are missing from BaOne (but present in other Nf-based products):

    – GPIO for CN2000, etc.
    – Fan speed control for CN2000, etc.
    – Version, hostname, IP output to A1K/A1H front panel display
    – The biggie, for me at least… CN1167 support

    If there’s no obligations preventing those things from being included in future builds, I’d greatly appreciate it (have a pile of CN1167-based A1H-es in my garage right now whose future is uncertain).

    Also, continued 32-bit builds would be greatly appreciated by folks like me with legacy hardware in service.

    –Keith Thelen


    How about an option for a built in high quality AAC/AAC+ encoder? Needs to be configurable in the type of encoding (eg AAC-LC, AAC-HE2 etc). Also the ability to grab metadata from a file if it isnt already there. This would allow BAO to do the entire encoding / streaming job rather than using something else.


    Further suggestion – capture of now playing info from services like https://www.acrcloud.com/ so that title/artist are automatically recognized and put into stream metadata.


    So, this is already a thing, you pay $79 to add the Streaming Module shown in the Extras HD section on the Buy page: https://www.breakawayone.com/buy/


    Hi, and thanks for this opportunity, this is great news for us users of BreakawayOne! 😀

    I’ll go for my list then. Here are the three things I’m thinking about, in order of preference (first is must):

    Add infos on the tooltip of some of the sliders/options to know what it does. Not on everything of course (“Volume” or “Bypass processing” is self-explanatory, but “Clunk” and “Slam”…).
    Like in Breakaway Live, where you could have some help on the sliders (for example “Power” would explain that it’s “Compression ratio”, what it changes in the preset config, and what it means in term of sound processing).

    Have the possibility for a Pass-Through core to get the output of an HD Core as its input. I know that I can grab the HD core input or stream receiver, but not the output.
    And/or maybe a complete audio mixer, allowing you to select/mix multiple audio streams that goes inside BreakawayOne, in and out of cores, without having to resort to virtual devices (VAC) and external software (Voicemeeter for example).

    Surround/Cinema Mode: Input from 2 to 8 channels and output from 2 to 8 channels. Could be used to process movies, with special channel processing for center/bass. It seems to be possible to use VAC for more than 2 channels, so it could be used locally.
    Should be able to upstream from 2 (2.0) to 6 channels (5.1) or 8 (7.1), populating the missing channels accordingly.
    Also, if using 6 channels input for example, but only 2 channels (left/right) are currently used (with sound), upstream automatically, but when all 6 channels are in use (aka not silent), don’t upstream.
    Note that in my mind that could very well be a new core type (maybe Surround Core), and I would gladly pay for it (arount $100-$200 may be reasonable I guess).

    If I think of something else, I’ll keep posting of course 😉

    Have a nice day!


    This is an encouraging post, after all this time, I had pretty much given it up as abandonware..

    +1 for output level on streaming encoders. This is something which is a massive oversight in the original build.
    I have managed to get this to work via the custom setting option using the appropriate command line settings and this opens up the option of an output slider. Unfortunately, I have not managed to get this to work with any other codecs and many these days like to use AAC.
    The ability to stream at samplerates other than 44100 would be useful, 48000 and 32000 for example.

    In terms of bugs, I have only really found two..
    Reading of now playing/RDS data over IP caused the program to randomly crash/restart, roughly once every 24 hours.
    Also, the program has spat out the “purchase this software” jingle a couple of times (which I have heard) in about 3 years. It may have done it more, but I’ve only heard it with my own ears once, and had it reported to me once.



    All preceding posts have been copied and passed on. Thank you for your input.’


    Nice to have a wish list! I want breakawayone to support new Asio drivers support (2,2)? My soundcard is Marian Trace 8 and the buffer is doubled, let say 800 in Bao to 1600 in the soundcard. Thank you.


    A high and low bandpass filter
    A parametric EQ
    Streaming encoder output level control



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