I purchased Breakaway Broadcast to use pre-STL/transmitter to have better processing on-air (and streaming, too). I believe I have the inputs adjusted correctly, peaking between -18 and -12 on the inputs. Something I have noticed is that on exposed, softer songs/passages, it appears that the signal is fighting being gated silent.
I am using the "Rock" preset, range 20; power 50; speed 40. I notice it on my stream a little, but it is obvious and crappy on-air. I almost think it is my back-end processor (Airtools 2M) more than Breakaway, but I do notice it.
I searched and searched and have read almost every post, but nothing really addressed my issue.
The stream address for my station is: http://streaming.servercorps.com:8000/w … c=1&rate=1
Musically the station is AAA/modern/eclectic, so we play a huge variety of material – loud rock, classic rock, blues, Americana.
Could some of you fine folks give a listen and give me some settings help? I have poured over the documentation and the forum, but don’t really see anything that addresses my issues.