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I don't have a UEFI Bios. So not sure that fast booting applies to me. I did disable it any ways to give it a try and it made no difference.
With my batch file I made. I disable the normal startup in the task manager. Then I just put the batch file in the breakaway folder and then made a shortcut to it. Then I dragged the shortcut to Startup in the menu/folder. Then restart and let it to its thing. The batch file will automatically start minimized. Then I have 3 timers I can set. How long to wait before starting Breakaway. How long to wait before closing breakaway. Then how long to wait to restart breakaway. Its kind of awesome how it works. So you can play around with the timers depending how your boot cycle goes. Do you wait until everything is done loading before the starting the sequence. Depending on when you close out breakaway during the boot sequence it can take much longer to close breakaway fully and if you attempt to start breakaway before it full closes it will mess up. So you need to play around with it and find out what setting work best for your computer.
Here's what I made in case someone else finds it useful. The time is in seconds. Have mine set to 80, 15, 15.
code :<br />@ECHO Off<br />TITLE Starting Breakaway<br />REM ------------------------------------<br />REM This Script Will Minimize The Window<br />REM ------------------------------------<br /><br />if not "%minimized%"=="" goto :minimized<br />set minimized=true<br />start /min cmd /C "%~dpnx0"<br />goto :EOF<br />:minimized<br /><br />@ECHO Off<br />ECHO =============================================<br />ECHO Breakaway Audio Enhancer Audio Fix By AmyGrrl<br />ECHO =============================================<br />ECHO.<br /><br />ECHO -----------------------------------------<br />ECHO Waiting To Start Breakaway Audio Enhancer<br />ECHO -----------------------------------------<br />TIMEOUT /T 80 /NOBREAK<br />ECHO.<br />CD %programfiles(x86)%\Breakaway<br />START breakaway.exe<br /><br />TITLE Closing Breakaway<br />ECHO -----------------------------------------<br />ECHO Waiting To Close Breakaway Audio Enhancer<br />ECHO -----------------------------------------<br />TIMEOUT /T 15 /NOBREAK<br />ECHO.<br />CD %programfiles(x86)%\Breakaway<br />TASKKILL /IM breakaway.exe<br />ECHO.<br /><br />TITLE Starting Breakaway<br />ECHO -----------------------------------------<br />ECHO Waiting To Start Breakaway Audio Enhancer<br />ECHO -----------------------------------------<br />TIMEOUT /T 15 /NOBREAK<br />ECHO.<br />CD %programfiles(x86)%\Breakaway<br />START breakaway.exe<br /><br />EXIT<br />